... And avoid the emotional and mental fallout that arguments can leave!
Here’s Just A Few Things You’ll Learn When You Invest In Stop Arguing, Start Loving Today...
Learn How To Avoid The Pain of Destructive Arguments that used to happen because you didn't know how to handle conflict in your relationship
Discover the strategies Successful Couples Know That Could Save Your Relationship
Find Out How Your Learning How To Manage Conflict Could Be The Most Important Influence In Your Relationship's healthy future
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**P.S.: This is a Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer for early adaptors of the product at over 70% discounted price. As soon as the timer hits zero, the offer will expire and then you will have to pay the full price.
Everyone who has unhealthy conflict in their relationship knows just how bad it can leave you feeling, but some research also suggests it can impact your physical health as well.
The upset from unhealthy arguing can impact your life long after arguing
Unhealthy conflict can lead to a gradual build up of negative feelings towards your partner that become more and more difficult to deal with over time
Badly handled arguing may lead to increased bacteria in the body and leaky gut leading to a variety of health risks
Ultimately if you have regular unhealthy conflict in your relationship, it will end in relationship breakdown
The great news is that you can learn how to handle conflict in your relationship in a healthy way and develop better communication with your partner
Learn how to communicate better with your partner
Discover how to handle conflict and arguments effectively, leaving them feeling resolved
Learn how to deepen the intimacy in your relationship
Be able to confidently and safely communicate what is really important to you
We know just how destructive conflict can be in your relationship. The impact that gets worse and worse over time. And that's why we put together Stop Arguing and Start Loving, to help you learn how to have this powerful positive change in your relationship.
Stop Arguing, Start Loving [$150+ Value]
Applied Mindfulness [$197+ Value]
Box Breathing & Relaxation [$25+ Value]
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You could have a more fulfilling relationship FASTER and EASIER than you thought possible with Stop Arguing, Start Loving.
And it all starts with taking the RIGHT STEP forward today.
We start with exploring the reasons you argue and developing and awareness of your conflict style. Topics covered include:
How conflict is inevitable, but how you deal with it makes all the difference
Our desire to heal old wounds and how that affects our current relationship
Reasons for arguing and the power struggle in relationships
Arguments often spiral out of control because of intense feelings. Learning how to handle these emotions is crucial, so topics here include:
What happens when you and your partner get angry
How the past affects the present
Exploring your emotional responses
How arguments are often a displacement for other concerns
Learn about how you argue and about constructive vs destructive argument styles:
The rules you have learned for arguing
Becoming aware in more depth about your conflict style
Destructive argument styles
Changing your conflict style
Here you learn crucial skills to help you transform the way you handle conflict in your relationship. Topics include:
How to argue fairly
How to compromise
Listening & communicating
Drawing a contract with your partner & lots of other techniques
Easy to follow video tutorials divided into 4 core topics. Each topic takes you step by step through everything you need to know to improve your relationship
With each lesson, there are a series of simple exercises to follow, where we guide you through the process in short videos.
You'll get downloadable worksheets for the exercises to help you follow through with them in your own time.
Learn Mindfulness and how to apply it in your daily life to feel more in control and empowered. This video series teaches you everything you need to know to learn Mindfulness.
Effective recordings to help you learn how to regulate emotions.
Get Stop Arguing And Start Loving NOW for only $45!
What if we've been arguing for some time already - is it too late?
Whether or not arguing has been an on-going issue for some time, or whether it is more recent, the sooner you take action the better. Established patterns can be more challenging to change, however you can do it and undo a lot of damage that arguing may have caused.
How long will it take me to work through the course?
The course has around 4 hours of video and a range of exercises. The videos are easy to follow and even if you can only invest 20 minutes a day, as long as you commit to practicing what you are learning you can improve your ability to argue effectively.
Does my partner have to be involved too?
To improve your relationship it is important that both people are committed to improving the relationship. You need to both work through this course together.
Can I do the course in one go?
You can work through the course in one go. However, the practice exercises may need to be done if and when relevant and require some reflection. And to get results from the course, you need to keep using what you learn over time and not just for a day!